
Friday, July 12, 2019

Life is Precious, by Pat Elliott

Genesis 1: 21b-2:6
Genesis chapter 2 tells a more detailed account of creation.  Nothing was on the earth until God created plants, trees, and animals to inhabit the earth.  Streams came up out of the ground to provide water for use of growing things and animals. God was pleased with his creation.  Imagine a perfect world of trees, plants, and animals, all created by God. 

Then God made man in his own image, a reflection of God, a perfect human. Man had something animals did not have. Man had a soul. God put in that soul a longing to worship the creator.   God gave man the responsibility to rule over all creation. The plants and trees were for human consumption.  What a wonderful gift from God. Man had a soul, a relationship with God, food, and water to sustain life.

God created Man (called Adam) from the dust of the ground. He breathed life into man.  Life is God's gift to humans.  The very air we breathe is from God.  We cannot live without life-giving breath, water, and food, all given us by God.

Because God gives life, we should not tolerate actions that destroy life.  Our society argues over when the life of a child in the mother's body begins.  The Bible teaches that God knows us from the time we are conceived. (Jer. 1:5a)  A baby is alive.  The mother feels movement while the child grows toward birth.  To kill that child is wrong.  So what do we do about unwanted children?  First, we must teach responsibility to refrain from conceiving unwanted babies.  We must educate women and men that bringing a child into the world is a responsibility that cannot be shirked. 

Adoption is a better solution than abortion. The price of adoption keeps many from having a child to love.  In addition, the possibility the child can be taken away by the birth mother on a whim.  A snafu in our laws that should be scrutinized and perhaps changed.

Standing on the street corner in protest is not the way to change laws.  Inform yourself, then speak for those who cannot speak. Speak to lawmakers, to those in power to change our world.

All life is sacred.  Killing another human is against the law of the land and against God's law.  One of the Ten Commandments is "Thou Shall Not Murder."  Respect older citizens. Respect those who are less than perfect.  They have a place in God's plan.  God does not give us the right to destroy human life.

Pat Elliott, author
Murder on Tour
If you Snooze You Might Miss a Moose

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