
Friday, June 2, 2017

Galatians 5 The Heart of the Gospel

It is not secret that I love the book of Galatians; to me, no other book explains the heart of the gospel. It is so revolutionary, I have had one pastor tell me it was, "dangerous doctrine." Yeah, maybe for those who would hold us to trying to obey the law, which is impossible for normal man to do. 

Galatians 5 13-15
13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
It could be dangerous I guess if you take it as a way of giving one license to do anything you want with no worry about repercussion. This is not what it is saying though. It is saying the law in Christ is the law of love. If we have decided to follow Him, we will love Him.

Our motivation is no longer one of fear of hell but born of thanksgiving and gratefulness for the love first shown to us for the forgiveness we have received for past present and future sins (missing the mark). I am so grateful. I am so undeserving of this Carte Blanche forgiveness. I have been a sinner, in that I have done things that have harmed others. I have lied, stolen, hurt the feelings of others. In some people's eyes, I have committed adultery because I got divorced and remarried. I have been forgiven of all that and more because as hard as I try, I can't BE PERFECT, and no one can.I am mortified when I think of the things I have done that were unworthy of Him. He takes that self-mortification and builds me up.

The gospel says we are no longer under the law of sin and death because Jesus paid the price for one and all. Our only obligation is to admit our guilt, (humbling ourselves) and accept the gift of God, the sacrifice of His son.

Why doesn't God just accept us as is and let us all off the hook no matter what? He has. However, we still have the choice to spend eternity with him, or not. It's our choice. Love and kindness are more self-sustaining than selfishness. When we are selfish we are cutting ourselves off from the supply of eternity. God's forgiveness and grace are like an unending supply that goes through a faucet to us. We are like the on and off valve. We can be open to it and let it flow through us, maintaining us throughout eternity, or we can fill up, close the valve and keep it all to ourselves leaving us with a finite supply that is limited and will eventually be used up. It's not that God sends people to hell for failing to believe, they send themselves to the outer darkness because they have cut themselves off from the source of all life. So choose life. Learn about Jesus, he is lowly and meek. He is not going to hit you over the head with a two by four and I know sometimes we wish he would. His Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He will not impose Himself on us. He wants our willing love, acceptance, and obedience. How much would forced obedience and love be worth and is that even possible?

Obedience isn’t to please Him, it’s to protect us...just as the law originally was made for our own protection. God made us and he knows what will ultimately hurt us both physically, emotionally and mentally. Living a “Godly” life is a lifelong pursuit and it isn't easy.It takes a lot of practice and it seems like I have to relearn some of the same lessons over and over again. However, I know that God honors my struggle and my journey as I endeavor to be more worthy of His love and forgiveness; not because I have to but because I am so grateful I want to be worthy of Him and His love.

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