Why is being faithful important and what does faithfulness look like in our everyday life?
Since the pandemic happened I have noticed our church had suffered greatly by a lack of attendance. Factually church attendance has not recovered to pre-pandemic levels. It makes one wonder if this isn’t a separation of the sheep from the goats that is spoken of in the bible of the end times. With the cries of war and the ominous outlook on our economy, people should be flocking to God as our only true hope.
As Christians, we are encouraged to be faithful, but that is something that is contradictory to the way people are currently living in modern society.
Most people live spontaneous lives and let circumstances drive their activities. If things get difficult, or if fun activities come up, it becomes easy to set aside what it takes to be faithful in attendance at church and in life in general. We drop our obligations and commitments in order to fulfill our neverending quest for fun and entertainment. The pandemic has made it easy to drop out of an activity that maybe didn’t mean that much to some, to begin with.
Consequences of faithlessness
As a kid, I grew up in a family that attended church faithfully until I turned twelve. Then, after moving to another state my parents decided for some reason that church was no longer either important enough or fulfilling enough to attend faithfully.
Eventually, they quit attending at all, which meant that we kids no longer attended either. The lack of faithfulness had a profound effect on my spiritual journey. As a result, I fell away from God and pursued a path that caused me to make life choices that were not the best. I became agnostic. I lost the fervent faith I had as a child and spent my teen years feeling lost, drifting without purpose and entertaining lifestyles and choices I would never have chosen had my faith in God and His precepts held an important role in my life. I questioned things like sex outside of marriage, drinking, and drugs which I never would have questioned had my faith in God and continued instruction in His word had been present.
I am blessed, however, by a God that holds us with a two-handed hold. He made sure I found my way back to faith. My little brothers, who were much younger, however, never benefited from the twelve years of faithfulness that I got. They haven't found their way to God yet.
As for my own family, while it may not be convenient or fun to be in church every week or to keep commitments without compromise, it is the example to them that is most important. It is so important to demonstrate faithfulness and to emphasize the value that a life based on faith in Yeshua and the things of the spirit.
I want to encourage you, though we don't want to be bound by the law, we do want to demonstrate faithfulness first to our families but also to the world at large. If the only time we attend church, bible studies, visit the sick and help the poor is when it is convenient or fun for us; what does that say about how important our faith in god is?
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