We need to quit wearing our hearts on our sleeves and getting offended by every little turn of phrase that is meant as sarcasm. Teachers are told not to use sarcasm because "CHILDREN" do not understand it. Evidently neither do many adults.
The JD Vance cat lady comment was made 3 years ago and taken in context It meant that the current BIDEN administration had no stake in the future.
It was not disparaging people without children, but People without children are not as tied to the future as people who do have children. It was meant as SARCASM.
The bible says Children are a blessing and heritage from the Lord, However many, now days do not want children because they feel they are too expensive. If you wait until you can afford them, you never will. You are living in fear and you are not relying on God for provision. God WILL provide for His children
Richard and I raised three children on little more than minimum wage jobs. It can be done and we DID depend on God and his direction a lot. We rarely depended on food stamps and never received help from the state. We lived within our means. We rented places we could afford, we didn't eat out and at times didn't even have a car. When we moved to a bigger town we prayed God would help us find a house that was big enough and within our budget. He provided. Once there if we wanted to do something special with the kids like go to McDonalds or a movie we gave plasma in order to be able to afford extras. Many people nowadays want everything the easy way. We didn't have help from relative. We managed somehow, with God's help.
The democratic party is PRO abortion which I would say is anti children, and in some of their policies do not appear to support parental rights or families. I hate being political. I don't want to make enemies of my friends and relatives that see themselves with opposing views. I do want them to hear me though. I believe if our country does not change our ways we will have some very difficult times ahead.
You are right!